Sell on our website is very simple.
- Upload a minimum of three current pictures of your product which were taken from different angles. Make sure that the images are visible. Provide more images if a buyer requests.
- Provide a suitable description, title for example [Samsung Galaxy F41 mobile].
- Mention expected selling price + 25% of the expected price as the selling price. In most countries, almost everyone negotiates. So it is best to markup 25% extra on the expected selling price.
- Give all the necessary details of the product in the description section. Let’s consider cell phones as an example. It is good to mention the usage period, and the overall condition of the phone with a brand name, model number, year of purchase, etc.
- We recommend you accept online payments; it increases the seller’s credibility. As a seller, you can also be on the safer side by accepting online payments.
- Since you can’t mention your contact number while posting an ad, provide your number and collect his/her number when the buyer initiates the discussion with you.
- Once the item is sold, kindly mark as sold so that other buyers won’t waste their time.