Some tips for a safe, happy deal

Your safety is something we take very seriously. It literally keeps us awake at night.

We’re always finding new ways to make the experience safer, but here are some pointers that’ll help make buying a little safer:

Meet at a safe, neutral location

This is a blanket rule. It means that both parties need to make an effort, and it gives you the space to inspect the item. This should also help you avoid scams.

If it’s too good to be true, it probably is

As timeless as this is, we often forget it. So please, beware of unrealistic offers. It’s normally a ploy to get you to make a hasty, and costly, mistake.


It’s best to only work in cash and to pay for the item on collection or on meeting the seller. It means you stay well clear of EFTs or any Instant Cash Send Services (offered by most banks & retail stores). If it’s a big item where it just isn’t practical to work with cash, make sure you get assurance from your bank first. Give them a call, ideally with the person present if you can, and make sure the transaction can be picked up from their side and will clear in your account.

Be clear on the terms

Certain aspects of the transaction can be negotiated - and should be. But some things shouldn’t, especially preferred payment, handing over the item and its condition.

Private stays private

Please, please, please don’t divulge or share any sensitive information that isn’t related to the sale or to the item you’re buying.

Try before you buy

It might seem obvious but you should try keep this in mind when you meet the seller. Ask if you can test out the product, especially electronics, cars and bikes. This way you know what you’re getting and allows you to ask further questions about servicing, history and damage.

Do your homework

Arm yourself with as much background info and research on the item as possible and its average price. It’ll be worth your while, trust us.